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I don't have enough to start!

Teens have many advantages. Time is the biggest but you also have a cleaner slate to start with. Good habits practiced now can have a HUGE impact on your success now and in the future. With all that said imagine you only have 1 dollar a month left over. Use that dollar to build yourself and to practice a habit the can be pivotal in your financial future. Plan out your expenses such that some of your dollar goes to saving for investing, some to saving for your emergency fund, some to have for fun money, some for financial education, etc. What if you don't have any money? Use pebbles in the backyard to get into a habit of planning out your money and practicing the habit of following your plan.

The most important thing is, you use the smallest whisp to practice doing it correctly, practice good planning and becoming more powerful now rather than gaining bad habits and fighting harder later to get back on track.

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